Friday, November 27, 2009

NBC Refused PETA Thanksgiving Day Ad

Last year, PETA tried to raise the heat during the Super Bowl with an ad that was deemed too racy to air by NBC. Just in time for Thanksgiving, PETA is at it again. This time, instead of using sex to sell its vegan, animal rights message, it decided to use verbal "shock and awe". However, the intelligent leadership of NBC nixed the ad after deciding that it did not meet its content standards.

The “Grace” ad produced by PETA starts off innocently with a cute, young girl sitting at the dinner table with her family. She is asked to give a Thanksgiving blessing and goes into a long winded, and very graphic dissertation about the “cruelty” of turkey farming. According to
PETA’s blog, it submitted the ad to NBC so that it could run during coverage of the annual Macy’s Day Parade on Thanksgiving Day. NBC responded that it required more information before it would run the ad. PETA responded with some of its outrageous propaganda but was disappointed when NBC still came firmly down against allowing the ad to air.

“It is highly inappropriate, but not unexpected for PETA to attempt to hijack a family tradition in order to push its radical message,” said Bud Pidgeon, U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance president and CEO. “Just like with the Super Bowl commercial, NBC made the right call.”